Saturday, July 22, 2006


Today the horrible wounds of yesterday are still there.. the swelling seems to have died down a bit.. Doctor says that the arm probably doesn't need amputation. Thats always a plus. It still hurts like junk anyways. I don't like to move it. But, I need to exercise it before the muscles in it turn to fat, and the arm itself becomes useless.

It was relatively peaceful today. I went white water rafting with my grandfather. 13 hour round trip. I think I will post some pictures up sooner or later. I had a good time doing it. Its kinda depressing though. The whole way home I was waiting in eager anticipation to see all of my friends, but its like nobody even noticed that I was gone.. Kinda sucked, and was a bit depressing, I'm hoping that somebody will sign on soon. Or actually i'm probably going to hang out with the kid across the street. My arm still hurts, I dont want to go too far away from home right now.

Anyways, I guess it wasn't that bad of an injury, I'm just giving it too much attention. I should probably just ignore it. I mean.. the arm can get over it eventually. It can heal, it should know i didn't do it on purpose... If it still thinks that, and it wont heal from the injury, amputation may be necessary.

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