Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ponder Ponder.

Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

"I just don't love you anymore"

Men, throughout history, have noted that they are responsible to be head of the household. This isn't me saying it, it is in the Bible, and I believe it, to be the true, God Breathed, life changing, and heart cleansing miracle.

I have felt the pain of inferiority recently. When you believe you should be the leader, and you fail, its that kind of pain, it wont go away, and it wont leave you alone. After tonight, I can sort of see where my Dad is coming from. I mean, my mother has been the strong backbone of our family for many years now. My mother has character where he has none.

He doesn't even love himself anymore. He cant grow up, I pray for him still, but I have been lacking. Mom says it might not last much longer. I have never seen such strength.. Not only is she supporting the entire house financially, but we haven't really lost anything either... We are living entirely off of her finances, and were doing just fine. But I can see that she is struggling under the stress. She married him for life, thick and thin. She is so determined to see this through to the end, but.. whenever I see her I see the strength of God in her.

I've never had any Godly male influence in my life until I started going to CCH. But, my mom is strong. I hate it when people throw around these pretenses that women are inferior to men. I believe we were all created equal. A man loves his daughter just as much as a son right? So much more would God love his daughter as much as His Sons. We are all Daughters and Sons of God through Christ. But God did only have One Son, AMEN to that though.

It seems that in modern times, the male being the head of the household is often objected and viewed as sexist. I honestly don't know what to think of that, and I'm really confused in that area. I know what the bible says, and I believe that is how it should be. The Bible is the living breathing Word of God. But that's the thing, you have to understand everything in context, and I'm not sure I understand it fully.

I know that the model given is perfect. Women Submit to husbands. That has to be hard for any woman. But then the equally hard, men Love your wives just as Christ loved the church. WOW, Christ died for the church! So, Give it your everything, don't hold out.

So, how can Dad live with himself. He knows Mom is a Godly Character. Its like, Mom prevailed, Dad just failed. I know he knows that. He would have to admit his complete wrong, him being an idiot, hard headed, and the bad one. That's horrible! I have // am going through a scaled situation of this, and I'm not getting into specifics, but to lay yourself down, and admit wrong has got to be one of the hardest things on the planet to do. HA HA, no worries about pride after that... nothing to be proud about, I feel stripped of everything, and naked on the ground, beaten and bruised. I don't want anybody seeing me like this.

I can see where Dad is coming from. I guess the only thing I can do is pray.

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