Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Everything feels Right

Here I am, sitting at my computer, all dressed up and looking nice for senior pictures. My hands are chapped, but not to a discomfertable state. My clothes hang on me loosely. Everything just feels right. I'm not worried about what lay ahead, or what I'm going to do today, Who I am going to hang out with, or what I need to get done.

I realize the tough thing about school this year though. You don't have to like doing it to do it. Before, I only did things If I liked doing them, thinking that life is fair. But now I see life as a constant battle, to mantain self control, and you hardly ever get the time to think things straight, so thinking time is very valueable. Entertainment and quiet time is even more so. You cant get through the day properly without quiet time. Quiet time with God, and with yourself.

I dont know about college, but I'm not afraid of it anymore, I want a good job, and I know that it doesn't have to be in the church for me to be included in God's will, that sort of thing is not for me, but I do know that I am supposed to lead people to Jesus Christ, our lord and savior along the way, and to constantly be in his presence. To lead your children in his name, and to know him. To know God. Work to feed yourself, put a roof over your head and build a better future.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

History of Christianity

Main Ideas
  • The Greek adaptation of the Old Testament is known as the Septuagint.
  • Jews Hoped Israel would be the light of the Gentiles.
  • Herod was generous to the diaspora Jews.
  • Many Jews, namely in Egypt were not Jewish by race, nor full Jews in Religious sense. They were not expected to obey the full law or to be circumsized, these were Known as noachides.

Judaism was spreading rapidly, people saw that Jews worshipped one God. Christianity Capitilized on the good points of Judaism, such as feeding the needy, charity, and detering from things such as stealing all made its image good. Judaism could not become a world religion, it focused on things that made it tribal, like circumcision, and the priests had to come from the tribe of Aaron, temple attendants of Levi, and Kings from the line of David.

Is it safe to say That God manipulated this chance, or is it just how christianity really came to be.

I Believe God was tending this masterpeice the whole time, Christ didn't just come at a foolish hour, God had made the way clear for him and set his path for him ahead of time.