Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cool I Guess

Everything has setteled down, and right now i'm just a little bored. My Grandparents and Aunt Kim are over here. I'm not quite sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. but anyways. I tried using xanga... I really dont like the way they want you to pay for certain stuff. Its really pathetic. I can see where myspace excelled past them.

I'm about ready to get into reading right now..but It's kinda hard, everybody keeps making so much noise I cant hear myself think. I don't think it is a good idea to leave the house either, they came to visit.

Dillema's like this are always fun. I'm just hungry for something but I don't know what. Computer used to fill that hole for me, sort of, I could spend all day on the computer, but now my patience is limited. I have nothing to do on it. I'm not much into videogames either. Unless it has a good story line, I love games with story line. Action isn't all that important anymore either.

Its so cool to see how much I'm changing inside. Little bit weird eh? Its a very good thing though. I thank God everyday for opening up my eyes. I have so much to be thankful for, and I try to grow a little bit everyday.

I just got done playing ping pong versus my Aunt Kim, that was pretty fun. Well, yanno, everything in my life has calmed down. I gotta get my support letters out for FTC, I dont feel deserving to be there. It's like I should be putting forth 150% effort to get in there and i'm only giving like 50%. But I am really serious about it. So hard to get motivated. But I need this in my life, I want it more than anything right now.

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