Monday, January 02, 2006

Worth it

I've been thinking alot about love lately. I dont know much about it, and I've never really given it much thought, only dreamt about it. But that does me no good does it?

It all makes sense now, though, the reason why I have to wait for it. King david was chased around for 13 years by King Saul, the man he was destined to overthrow. While on the run, God carved into him the wisdom and strength to rule a nation. He was only an early teenager when the prophecy was given.

If that kingdom just fell in his lap right then, he probably wouldn't have been a good king. But with that 13 years experience, he left his mark as one of the greatest kings in the world.

I believe that I am destined to have a wife, and children, but I also belive that God wants to put in me the wisdom, strength, and experience to handle such a task. I have no idea who she is, or what she looks like. I strongly disbelieve that there is only one out there for me, that just seems stupid. Fate and destiny are out of the question. I dont believe in either of them.

I however do belive that God will see me through on it, and guide me into his will.

I believe it is worth the wait.

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