Sunday, January 06, 2008


Its 5 am now, I just finished my last post. I had planned to continue it to here, but It seemed that the other post needed to be concluded as this is a complete topic shift. I covered most the serious stuff in that. Now I just cant sleep, and am thinking back to my high school days. I have been playing halo 3 all night trying to finish the campaign.

It reminds me of playing halo in mr smarts class. Life was so simple back then. I know I probably say this alot, but I'm pretty sure this is one of the most stressful times in a regular Americans life. Thats Just america Now. I learned some extremely deperessing statistics at the New Years Conference I attended. Of the world population only .6% will ever attend college. only 66% can even read. The world is not rich Like we americans tend to believe. I dont see how we can look right on passed the issue of poverty. Did you know that if americans spent 10% of what we spend every year for christmas, we could easily solve the worlds hunger problems, and implement long lasting systems of hunting and gathering and what not... I consider myself greatly blessed to be exactly where I am.

I only Pray that God opens my eyes more and more to the problems in the world, and If Jesus tarries, I would Like for him to lead me to help in some way.

I miss high school...I love college... Miss FTC... Need to look forward more, but i think what I hate most is loosing friends, as time moves along and lifes journey leads us elsewhere. I take it to heart greatly when I loose a friend, especially because of life.

I'm tired, its 5 am...I have church at 9... need sleep..and think i have gotten everything off from my mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heyy i don't rlly know you, I know it's kinda weird, but I love what your about and I'm like about the same things. I''m trying to build my relationship with God up and make it stronger. I read your profile and some of your posts and you just seem lk an interesting individual. so if you don;t think i'm like a total weirdo, it's quite understandable if you do, but if you don't, which i'm hoping for, drop me a comment on my blog. my URL will pop up after i post this comment. =) my name is Savannah, by the way.

ttyl. =)
peace, love, happiness.